The Applications of Attachment Theory to Psychotherapy

The Applications of Attachment Theory to Psychotherapy

The attachment patterns of the therapist and their implications for treatment

Working on the premise that therapy heals through the creation of a new relationship of attachment, this talk explores how we can identify our attachment own patterns as they play out in our relationship with our patients. David Wallin considers how it might inform our theoretical understanding and therapeutic interventions to recognize that in the interaction with the patient we are constantly in a state of mind that is secure, insecure, or unresolved. He asks how the therapist’s attachment history shapes his/her efforts to be of help to the patient. What are the particulars of personal history and patterning that shape your own conduct as a therapist? How do your own experiences of trauma and shame affect your work with your patients?

Participants at David Wallin’s 2014 seminar were invited to assess their attachment patterns through the ECR-Experiences in Close Relationships self reporting system. For more information about that process visit

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Dr David J. Wallin

David J. Wallin, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Mill Valley and Albany California, USA. A graduate of Harvard who received his doctorate from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, he has been practicing, teaching, and writing about psychotherapy for nearly three decades.




Attachment in Psychotherapy
Publisher: Guilford Press – 2007

Mapping the Terrain of the Heart: Passion, Tenderness and the Capacity to Love
Publisher: Jason Aronson – 1996