Dr David J. Wallin

Dr David J. Wallin

David J. Wallin, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Mill Valley and Albany California, USA. A graduate of Harvard who received his doctorate from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, he has been practicing, teaching, and writing about psychotherapy for nearly three decades.

His most recent book, Attachment in Psychotherapy, is presently being translated into nine languages. He is also co-author (with Stephen Goldbart) of Mapping the Terrain of the Heart: Passion, Tenderness, and the Capacity to Love. Dr. Wallin is a lively and engaging speaker who combines a scholarly perspective with openess about his own experience as a therapist. He has lectured on attachment and psychotherapy in Europe, Australia, Canada, and throughout the United States.


http://www.attachmentinpsychotherapy.com /


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From collusion and collision to collaboration
Friday 11 and Saturday 12 July 2014

We are the Tools of Our Trade – How the Therapist’s own Attachment Patterns Shape Therapy
21 and 22 June 2013

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