Neurobiology and its Applications to Psychotherapy - II

Neurobiology and its Applications to Psychotherapy – II

The impact of inflammatory disorders and the risks for health: an introduction for psychotherapists and psychologists

Freud said that the ego is first and foremost a body ego. If there can be an equivalent of the Grand Unifying theory for a body, it could be inflammation. Inflammatory processes underlie both physical and mental illnesses and therefore should be a major consideration if we wish to heal, to prevent illness pain and suffering. The interactions between physical and mental states are reflected in the increased morbidity and mortality in chronic psychoses, PTSD, and attachment problems. How do these systems interact?

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Dr Dianne Campbell Lefevre

Dr Dianne Campbell Lefevre, MB ChB FRCP FRCPsych, worked for 40 years with patients with mental illness including intensive work with people with psychoses. She worked initially as a physician and later as a Consultant Psychiatrist and a Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy.