Neurobiology and its Applications to Psychotherapy

Neurobiology and its Applications to Psychotherapy

Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy: The neurobiology of flashes, hunches and gut feelings

In this video presentation, Dr Terry Marks-Tarlow suggests that clinical intuition is central to deep, embodied change in psychotherapy. Interpersonal intuition is linked to implicit processes of learning, memory, and imagination. These originate subcortically, beneath conscious thought. Clinical intuition is also related to parental instincts as guided by emotional/motivational circuits found in all social mammals. Finally, a play model of growth and healing during psychotherapy is offered, which counterbalances the trauma perspective currently in vogue.

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Dr Terry Marks-Tarlow

Terry Marks-Tarlow, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Santa Monica, California. She teaches affective neuroscience at the Reiss Davis Child Study Center, is a research associate at the Institute of Fractal Research, and sits on the advisory board of the Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment.




Psyche’s Veil: Psychotherapy, Fractals and Complexity
Publisher: Routledge 2008

Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy: The Neurobiology of Embodied Response
Publisher: W.W. Norton, 2012
(Use discount code WNPRO for 30% off on checkout)

Awakening Clinical Intuition: An Experiential Workbook for Psychotherapists
Publisher: W.W. Norton, 2014
(Use discount code WNPRO for 30% off on checkout)

Simultaneity: Temporal Structures and Observer Perspectives
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing, 2008