The Applications of Attachment Theory to Psychotherapy

The Applications of Attachment Theory to Psychotherapy

Attachment theory, the therapeutic relationship and the process of change: an integrationist perspective

Research in the fields of developmental psychology, neurobiology and cognitive neuroscience are helping to deepen our understanding of the therapeutic relationship and the process of change. In this talk, Attachment-based psychoanalytical psychotherapist Paul Renn illuminates the way in which attachment theory and research can be integrated with data from related disciplines and applied to our clinical work. He argues that a key aspect of therapeutic action consists in the modification of implicit memories that motivate the procedures underpinning habitual ways of experiencing self with other. This therapeutic process is illustrated with a clinical vignette.

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Paul Renn

Paul Renn is a UKCP accredited psychoanalytic psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice in London. He qualified as a social worker in the 1980s and has a background in the National Probation Service where he specialized in working with violent individuals and couples. He subsequently trained at the center for Attachment-based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.