The Applications of Attachment Theory to Psychotherapy

The Applications of Attachment Theory to Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy as a vehicle of attachment security: is change possible and how?

The extent to which psychotherapy can bring about transformation from insecure to genuinely secure internal working models is frequently debated in the clinical and research literature. Our working models of attachment are complex and deep-rooted structures but are nevertheless subject to change given certain therapeutic conditions. In this presentation, Sarah Daniel draws on case material from psychotherapy to illustrate how we can apply knowledge of attachment patterns in guiding therapeutic interactions and in the organization of the treatment process.

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Sarah Daniel

Sarah I.F. Daniel is a clinical psychologist with a PhD in psychotherapy research, and is currently employed as associate professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen. She is a trained coder of the Adult Attachment Interview and has done research in the area of adult attachment and psychotherapy, focusing especially on the differential treatment implications of different kinds of attachment insecurity and on narrative and interactional markers of attachment patterns.