Dr Jessica Yakeley

Dr Jessica Yakeley

Jessica Yakeley is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Forensic Psychotherapy at the Portman Clinic and Director of Medical Education and Associate Medical Director, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. She is also a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytic Society.

She has published widely on topics including medical education, violence, risk assessment, prison health, and antisocial personality disorder, and is Editor of the journal Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. S

he is research lead for the RCPsych Psychotherapy Faculty, and for the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC). She is currently leading the national development of new services for a multi-site randomized-controlled trial of mentalization-based treatment for antisocial personality disorder as part of the National Personality Disorder Offender Pathways Strategy.


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Saturday 12 March 2016

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