Sarah Lewis

Sarah Lewis is the Managing Director and Principal Psychologist of Appreciating Change. She is an experienced organizational consultant and facilitator who has been actively involved in helping people change their behavior for 25 years.

Her clients include local government, central government, not-for-profit organizations and private sector clients, particularly in the manufacturing, financial and educational sectors. A Chartered Psychologist, an Associated Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Principal member of the Association of Business Psychologists, and a qualified social worker, Sarah has spent her working life helping people and organizations to change.

Over the years she has found that the best way to do this is by treating the organization as a living human system full of human processes such as identity creation, communication patterns and emotions. It is by working with these processes that meaningful and lasting change can be created. Her latest work is Positive Psychology at Work: How positive leadership and appreciative inquiry create inspiring organizations (Blackwell-Wiley, 2010).


Past and Current Confer Events


Leading Your organization Through Change
Friday 13 – Saturday 17 June 2011

State Regulation – The Issues
Exploring the impact of the proposed Health Professions Council regulation of psychotherapy and counseling

Saturday 23 January 2010

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