Rima Hawkins

Rima Hawkins

Rima Hawkins is a British Asian COSRT accredited, BACP & UKCP registered sex and relationship psychotherapist and a supervisor. Rima has her private practice in West London and her primary model of working is Humanistic-Integrative Psychotherapy (Individuals, Couples & Polycules). Rima’s interests include transcultural/intercultural relationships, working with Gender, Sexuality, Relationships and Diversity (GSRD), sexual trauma and is a trained trauma therapist working as an EMDR practitioner. She is Pre Trial Therapy (PTT) trained to work with Intimate Partner Violence & Sexual Violence clients.

Rima has extensive clinical and management experience in reproductive and sexual health working in the NHS for over 24 years. She was seconded to the Department of Health and the Home Office to programme lead the national rollout for the Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC) following successfully leading the pilot in London (SARC – Havens). Rima is a trainer and Pink Therapy Mentor.


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