Dr Heinrich Deserno

Heinrich Deserno, MD (Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy) is a scientific member of the Sigmund-Freud-Institute (Research Institute for psychoanalyzis) and head of the psychotherapeutic consulting hour.

He is training analyst of the Frankfurt Psychoanalytic Institute (German Psychoanalytic Association/International Psychoanalytic Association).

centers of his research and publications are the psychoanalytic process, dreaming, symbolization, psychoanalytic therapy of depression, supervison and psychoanalytic interpretation of literature.

He is the author of Die analyze und das Arbeitsbündnis (The Analyst and the Working Alliance: the Reemergence of Convention in psychoanalyzis, 1990), and Entwicklungschancen in der Institution. Psychoanalytische Teamsupervision (Chances of Development in Institutions: Psychoanalytic team supervision), with S Graf-Deserno.


Past and Current Confer Events


Therapeutic Alliance
10 Wednesday evenings from 9 April 2008

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