Dr Syed Azmatullah

Dr Syed Azmatullah

Dr Syed Azmatullah (Azmat) My DNA is estimated to originate from: Northern India 40%, England 38%, Southern India 10%, Sweden 7%, Germany 2%, Scotland 2% and Norway 1%. Diversity is embedded in my DNA!

Epigenetic adaptations integrate my masculine & feminine energies beyond binary boxes.

Anatomy is no longer destiny!

Spiritually I have Christian and Islamic heritage and find Buddhist philosophy and psychology deeply rewarding.

My first career was as a pharmacologist with neuroscience and oncological interests. I led global development teams and lived in Berlin and New York appreciating diverse cultures.

I now practice psychotherapy in Brighton, UK with particular interests in culture, LGBTQ+ issues, transgenerational psychotherapy and trauma.

I am a member of the Teaching Faculty of the Karuna Institute, Devon and co-chair the Ethics, Equality and Diversity Committee of the Association of Core-Process Psychotherapists.

I also co-chair the Equality, Diversity and Intersectionality Committee of the Humanistic & Integrative Psychotherapy College of UKCP and I am a member of the Board of Trustees of UKCP.


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