Dr Elaine Arnold

Elaine Arnold, taught social work students (MSW courses) at Goldsmiths College, and Sussex University. She was Director of Training at Nafsiyat (Intercultural Therapy center). She researched the adverse effects of separation and loss and sometimes traumatic reunions, due to immigration from the West Indies, to Britain among some families of African Caribbean origin, she is Director of #Supporting Relationships and Families, formerly known as Separation and Reunion Forum. The aim of the organization is to raise awareness of the importance of secure early attachment in the life of the individual.

The phenomenon of broken attachments and traumatic reunions is applicable to other groups in the society and to children separated through various circumstances. Elaine currently lectures at various colleges and voluntary groups on the Theory of Attachment, Separation and Loss and its applicability to practice in the caring professions.


Past and Current Confer Events


Distress or Disease?
Traumatic roots and treatment implications for black people within the UK mental health system

Saturday 3 October 2015

Transforming Losses
Monday evenings 5 October – 7 December 2015

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