David Mann

avid Mann is a Consultant Psychotherapist and the Manager of a specializt Psychotherapy Service for an NHS Trust in Tunbridge Wells. He also works in private practice as a therapist and supervisor in Tunbridge Wells. He is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist and is a member of the London center for Psychotherapy and is registered with both the British Psychoanalytic Council and the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy. He has published extensively in leading psychotherapy journals and runs his critically acclaimed workshop on “Working with the erotic transference” around the UK and Europe. His previous books include: Psychotherapy: An Erotic Relationship, Transference and Countertransference Passions (1997) which was also translated into German and published in Germany in 1999 by Klett Cotta Press. He has edited Erotic Transference and Countertransference: Clinical Practice in Psychotherapy (1999) and Love and Hate: Psychoanalytic Perspectives (2002). His latest book co-edited with Valerie Cunningham, The Past in the Present: Enactments and the Return of Trauma was published in 2008. All titles published by Routledge.


http://www.counselingtherapysoutheast.co.uk /


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The Art of the Psychotherapeutic Intervention
9 seminars from Monday April 16 2012

The Therapeutic Frame
10 January to 21 March 2011

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