Dr Oliver James

After taking degrees in Social Anthropology at Cambridge University and child clinical psychology at Nottingham University, Oliver James worked as a Research Fellow at Brunel University’s Institute of Organization and Social Studies. He worked as a clinical psychologist in the Cassel mental hospital for six years (1982-8), before becoming an author, journalist, TV producer, television presenter and broadcaster. He is a Chartered Psychologist, registered in the Clinical and Occupational Psychologist Divisions of the British Psychological Society, and registered as a psychotherapist with the John Bowlby center. He works in private practice.

He acted as an adviser to Jack Straw during his time at the Home Office (1997-2001). In 2006 he was a member of the Conservative Party’s Well-Being Sub-Group, part of its Quality of Life Commission.

He is the author of a number of bestselling books, including Britain on the Couch, They F*** You Up, Affluenza, The Selfish capitalizt, Contented Dementia, Love Bombing, How To Develop Emotional Health, Office Politics and most recently, Not In Your Genes – Why You’re Like Your Parents.

For more about Oliver James go to www.selfishcapitalizt.com. Twitter OliverJ_psych




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Do Genes (ever) Determine our Mental Health?
Saturday 18 June 2016

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