Zoe Hawton

Zoe Hawton currently works at the Clinic for Dissociative Studies where she has been working for the last nine years with survivors of complex trauma. She also has extensive experience working with the ‘tech community’. Zoe’s original training was in the creative arts and subsequently she trained as a counsellor and supervisor. She has had extensive further training in working with complex trauma and dissociation, including through the use of imagery and play therapy techniques.

Zoe has worked with a variety of agencies in London and Manchester, including the NHS and specialist agencies who treat the impact of childhood sexual abuse and organized abuse. She has particular experience working with young people who have struggled with economic and social deprivation, in particular the traumatized clients who witnessed the ‘toxic trio’ of domestic violence, parental substance abuse and poor parental mental health.

She lectures and trains psychotherapists in developing greater awareness in recognizing dissociation and working with it therapeutically and she has written various articles and chapters about this work.


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