Marion Green

Marion Green

Marion Green: Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) Registered Art Psychotherapist, and Certified Trauma Therapist.

Marion’s first profession was social work. She specialized in working in schools with groups of adolescents co-facilitating a greenhouse project for non- attenders; child protection and adoption.

She later studied biodynamic gardening at Emerson College, East Sussex and worked in Central America with illiterate women, creating medicinal and nutritional gardens and promoting women’s self-esteem.

Marion studied anthroposophical art therapy which included working with the alchemy of dark, light and color; the healing qualities of the cycles, rhythms and harmony in nature which encourage balance and connection between human beings and nature.

Marion has worked as an art therapist in prisons, with sex workers, traumatized adolescents, the chronically sick and dying, in adult acute and intensive psychiatric care and with offenders in the community.

She currently works with homeless women; supervises staff working with trafficked women, therapists working in hospices and has a small private practice offering individual Intensive Trauma Therapy (L. Gantt and L. Tinnin model WV. USA) and Burnout Recovery programs.

She is a visiting tutor at Tobias School of Art and Therapy, East Sussex, at Bath City College Foundation for Art Therapy, a regular seminar leader at the annual international art therapy conference in Dornach, Switzerland and a pioneering art therapy training in Taiwan.

Marion facilitates workshops and teaches courses on Working with traumatized People; Burnout, Secondary Trauma, and Maintaining Professional Vitality; Working in Secure and Forensic Environments; Working with people who have Addictions; Shame and Grief.


Online Modules

Past and Current Confer Events


Small Earth
Thursday 8 to Sunday 11 November 2018

Women on the Couch – the seminar series
17 May to 13 December 2018

Transpersonal Narratives in Eco-Psychology
Friday 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 November 2017

Working with the Unseen
Saturday 21 January 2017

Psychotherapy and the Natural World
Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 November 2016

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